I wasn't much of a writer of all things "blogger-material". It somehow just came to me that I needed an outlet to let my inner thoughts and ideas out of my system. That's the purpose of having one, yeah? Let me enlighten you all of how everything came about to this day. In retrospect, it was one of those late night talks with Lexi about blogging and after doubting about whether I should start a blog; well here I am. Along the way, of revamping, adding a few widgets here and there; and who would've thought that I would be writing this after a year. A year filled of drastic changes, countless mistakes and unforgettable memories. In all honesty, "2014 me" was completely butchered and lost. I didn't know where I was at the time and the scary thing is I didn't know who I was. It is ridiculous to hear that, "Oh, she didn't know who she was, is she bloody mental or something?" That could be a tad overreacting but its true. I wouldn't want to go any further detail, but I am fine. Don't worry :) Now that 2015 is almost to a close, this year I've had enough backbone from what I lost in the previous year. I don't know if you are on the same page as me, but you'll get it soon—eventually. And so, I hope we get to voyage into another year and the next years to come.
I'd like to express my gratitude through this post; to my family, to my friends and most especially to my readers. Thank you for your feedback, insights and endless support. 

Top  my Lola's hand me down
Shorts from a bazaar
Shoes K-Swiss 

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