self- discovery and being true to oneself.

Initially,  I thought I should be talking about how I wanted to do a black-and-white photo shoot for quite some time now. It would not do anything whatsoever especially give meaning or context to this post. For the past few months, I needed to mentally prepare myself for what is coming ahead. College is almost ending for me but what bothers me the most is having to discover more of myself. It is kind of frustrating in the process of self-discovery if you somehow find out you do not know much about yourself while others do. Your decisions and choices reflect who you are. Unless you are indecisive with what you like then don't you fret, my friend. We've all been there. Even I do not know what lies ahead for me but I am just trying to enjoy every moment and do what is needed to be done.

What makes you different from the rest? Being told that I needed to fit in because my personality somehow did not fit in the standards of the common man really questioned who I was. I could not express enough how hurt I was but you get the idea. Who in the right mind should tell you who you should try to act or be. Come to think of it, you are basically losing yourself. I have to say that I have quite improved. I am still learning and becoming a better version of myself day by day. 

Whether it is finding yourself, looking for inspiration, or even trying out new things; I hope you find your tune in all of this and have a sense of individuality. 

Face portraits by Ally Tengco
Model portraits by Daenah Magampo


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